CBR Knowledge base suggestions



I am trying to create a CBR Knowledge base and am looking for suggestions/informtion/tutorials on this. I am trying to make it webbased for a customer support system.

I currently have the idea of a feature selection type of CBR (Purerly research and prototypes at moment) Do you have any suggestions on other methods?

Currently have a database style as follows

oAnswer_ID (Primary Key)
oQuestion_ID (Foreign Key)

oQuestion_ID (Primary Key)
oCategory_ID (Foreign Key)


DO you think this is a good layout? of course Key_word_1 etc will go up to 20 or would i just place them in a single field and take them and parse them out?

Another area i would like info and links on are texts dictionary correction and if it better to use a database of dictionary words or a text file or other method?

any links and info on this area would be greatly recieved as im finding it hard to see anything of great use at moment.

another thing i plan to do this in ASP.net with probably module based so sections can be added easily and appear in the menu without any real bother would i just make a modle folder and all stuff gos into sub folders in there and then the index just looks in there to see what menu items to place in the menu section.Check the link below for more info:

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.aaai.org/Resources/CB-Reasoning/cbr-resources.html">http://www.aaai.org/Resources/CB-Reason ... urces.html</a><!-- m -->