Casino version 0.92


New Member
Casino (w/ 10 player poker) - Forum

I did in fact use the search but the only thing that came up was v 0.91.

A few things have been fixed in 0.92.

Thanks in advance for anyone who is kind enough to assist.

v 0.92 (Feb 18)
- Fixed Default Cash not saving
- Texas Hold'em no longer shows hand after folding
- Texas Hold'em buttons should not reappear after clicking if a request was in progress when they where clicked
- Fixed some of the reinstall issues people have been having

This is pretty minor, working on some major changes to the Texas Hold'em game that are taking longer then I planned due to other things coming up.

Known issues:
- The same player attempting to play more then one instance of the same game at the same time will cause errors.

To update overwrite all of the old files and import the product, revert any modified (casino) templates and don't forget the files in other folders Also some of the images have changed, those need uploaded again. (as well as the includes and admincp files) You DO NOT need to uninstall the previous version to upgrade, this will cause problems. Just overwrite existing files and import the product again, allowing overwrite.

**Make sure you overwrite ALL existing files and revert ALL casino templates**