Does promoting casinos and gambling sites on one's website cause problems with google? Can it get you banned?why would it? Unless the site you are linking to is banned you are ok. People are too paranoid about the different ways they think googe are out to shaft them.Google has been on a vendetta to identify and penalize affiliate marking sites of all types. While they are not banning sites, they are kicking the pages into Supplemental Results, which essentially is the same as a page level ban. I review hundreds of sites per week and I see plenty of affiliate sites that have been banished to Supplemental Results. The most common issues are duplicate content (legitimate or otherwise) and affiliate links. Check your indexed pages in Google using the site query. If you see the words Supplemental Result next to the URL, that page has been penalized.I have been promoting my site more than year, and visitors from Google is only increasing.You have never been banned by Google if you promote your site by honest ways. I know webmasters that have been promoting their gambling sites since 1997 year, and they are rich now, because Google banned gambling sites is rubbish. It may penalize only unfair gambling sites.I'm an honest, respected webmaster and I have success with all search engines.aksana, you have probably escaped Google's supplemental results because of your use of JavaScript links to the gambling sites. Try direct linking and see what happens. If you are not concerned about search engines penalizing your site, why are you using JavaScript links? It's common knowledge that JavaScript links are used so that search engine spiders do not follow the links.Tech-Evangelist wrote:And forgot ot mention, and take the first places in Google! I have never heared such ideas about my javascript links.And enter "online casino" in Google and you see how it penilizes results. It shows millions sites, and you may see how the first sites old. There are a lot of sites which are more than 5 years.The fact that Google displays millions of online casinos is irrelevant. Google doesn't ban very many sites any more. They just toss them into supplemental results. Google would still display the sites because supplemental results does not affect the home pages. Once the inner pages get tossed into supplemental results, they cease showing up in most Google searches. That's the penalty that has hit the vast majority of affiliate marketing sites. Your casino site, however, seemed to have escaped supplemental results. Millions of others have not. It looks like you have put some work into your site to avoid the penalties that trap millions of others. 1. It looks like your content is original.2. You are using JavaScript links.Quite frankly, if you were not doing both of these things, your sites probably would be in supplemental results. Kudos to you for doing a good job with your sites and putting work into them. The vast majority of casino site operators have not done this and are very quickly penalized. It's a matter of 95% of the site owners ruining the reputation of the others. I run a directory and have reviewed hundreds of exceedingly spammy casino sites that were were heavily penalized by Google. Keep doing what you are doing. You are one of the exceptions in the online casino business. Good luck with your sites. Tech-Evangelist wrote:U should check PR rating of a site .If it is 1+ then it wont attract penalty