Case insensitive url-routing for Zend


New Member
I am working with legacy code written in PHP 5.2.6 with Zend Framework 1.5.3 on CentOS 5.5There is code as such\[code\]url:"./sales/getAlerts/?bypass=1"\[/code\]The view is named getalerts.phtmlController function is named getAlertsActionCode works fine on existing server, but when I try moving it to a new server the code fails stating that ...'Action "getalerts" does not exist...If I change the lines mentioned above to make the [A] in Alerts lower case the code works.I've copied over php.ini, httpd.conf, and .htaccess. Not sure what else could allow case insensitive mapping to occur.What is it that allows url-routing to be case insensitive?