Carp Rss

I am gonna set up Carp Rss reader.<br />In the instructions it says<br /><!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Decide where you want to put the CaRP scripts on your webserver, and create a new folder for them if necissary.<br />Recommendation: It is good security practice to install scripts like CaRP in a location that cannot be accessed directly by a web browser. For example, if your web directory is located at "/home/joe/public_html", a good location to install CaRP would be "/home/joe/carp" rather than "/home/joe/public_html/carp".<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd--><br /><br />Am I allowed to install it in "/home/joe/carp" or where should I install it? <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":unsure:" border="0" alt="unsure.gif" /> <br /><br />There might one more question depending on how this goes... <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=";)" border="0" alt="wink.gif" /><!--content-->
Yes, you can create the folder at the same level as your public_html folder.<!--content-->
Thanks Bruce <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><!--content-->