Car Trip - 40 hours - 4 adults - 6 kids?


New Member
Myself, my husband, our two 4 year olds, our 14 year old, and our neighbors are going on vacation. We will be going to Sesame Place in PA. We live in CA, so the drive will be about 40 hours. The husbands will take turns driving (while the other sleeps) and us moms will drive if needed. We are going to try not to stay at a hotel on the way, as we don't want this trip to be 2 weeks. (my 4 month old babies will be at home with a relative) We are taking our 15 passenger van. <br />
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We are spreading everyone out, as the ride is so long. This way, it will be more comfortable. In the very front (2 seats), will be the husbands, the next row (3 seats) will have us wives, the next row (3 seats) will have my 4yr old dd and her 4 year old dd, the next row (3 seats) will have our 4 year old sons, and the last row(4 seats) will have my 14 yr old dd and her 13 yr old dd. That leaves only the trunk for luggage and with 10 people coming, we have a lot of luggage. The food for the car ride, games, toys, entertainment items, blankets, pillows, etc will be up by us for the ride. I'm afraid that our other luggage won't all fit in the back though. Should we send it before we go? Where would we send it? We are staying at a hotel. Could we send it to them? Help!
it depends on the hotel, but keep in mind, that there is some space under the seats normally in 15 passenger vans, and if you put some small stuff on the seats then it should all fit, as long as you are taking roughly one bag each..
Wow, that's quite an adventure. Can you do a temporary luggage rack on top? Use those Space Bag traveling bags to condense the items in your cases. I've sent things ahead to hotels in the past. That would cost a fortune though, if it's any kind of volume.

Is Sesame Place the reason you are traveling across the country? We live an hour from there and never were impressed with it. Hershey Park has much more to offer for the family. Just my two of luck on your trip though. Be safe.
Sending it could be expensive, but if it doesn't fit you will have a problem. With a van that big, i would try to get the kids to pack smaller bags with the items that will entertain them on the drive, and they keep that under the seat or by their feet. The adults should do this too. The food and things could also be kept like this, except for extra drinks, which could be in a cooler next to the moms, or dads. But the four year olds food should probably be kept with the moms to aviod messes. I think it can be done with out sending out your luggage. Just try not to overpack. it will just take a lot of organized planning.

good luck!