Captcha Problem


New Member
Hello all!!

I am facing a problem...
At registration that there is the captcha verification there is the image-backround but no letters!!!

What can i do to fix this???

Thank you for your time!!!
switch over to re-captcha admincp > human verification manager > select re-captcha > save now click on link below in same are that says public key go to the site and register and get both keys for free...this will also help with spam bots.
check in admincp > vbulletin options > Human Verification Options > make sure its set the way you want this is diffrent than the admincp > human verification Manager.
admincp > vbulletin options > Human Verification Options >
Here i have set everything to "No" as image verification is not working.
What should i check?
check them to yes so it does work if the human verification manager is set to yes then so should the human verification options set to yes. then to test I would try and create a new account the way a new member would and see if it works...if not pm me and I will look into it. I will bet the template your using does not have $human its just $verify
Or the style doesn't have the fonts uploaded. In your images/regimage folder check to see if there is a folder called "fonts" and whether there are fonts in it
@DEViANT:There are these files into the folder(images/regimage/fonts/) of my theme:

Well I checked all the options to "Yes" and at "Human Verification Manager I have selected the option "Image Verification", but I still get no letters.

Thank you both for the replies!!!!
Now i have changed it at re-Captcha and it works.
But I am curious why the Image Verification does not work.

Anyway,thank you both for your time and help!!

Uploaded them,nothing... :(
old thread i know... but have you moved your board from one server to another by simply copying the files and the database? If so that is why... I don't know why it causes this to happen, but if you move your board from one web server to another the captcha stops working. I have had this happen and when it does I simply use re-captcha instead because it would be too much headache to try and figure out what went wrong where. I *think* it has something to do with the database because the files don't change.

anyway hopefully this explains your why your getting this issue, other than that I'd have to say you'd have to choose another human-verification option.