captcha is not working...


New Member
hi in my forum captcha is not COMPLETELY working its showing the background colour but not the letters...
pls see attachment...

What would be the problem....??

Pls help....
what version of vbulletin? what option did you select for the capatcha ? and if it is re-capatcha did you go to their site and sign up and receive the two keys needed to use it?
using 3.8 vbulletin..this error was there when i was using 3.7 also...but since i disabled captcha usage in forum it dint affect me...but now i installed 'Member Area' mod which requires captcha and there is no option to disable it....

No, am not using re-capatcha....
I am guessing it might be a PHP problem:

Choose the image processing library that vBulletin will use for generating Image Verification. If the GD (True Type) option doesn't work, please ask your host to recompile PHP with FreeType 2 support.
AdminCP -> vBulletin Options -> Image Settings -> Try changing this setting from what is there now, i.e if you selected ImageMagick 6 change it to GD and see if that helps.
am having the same problem so i disable the captcha in registration but i need to use in in registration again.. we will be so thankful if anyone can give a working solution for this.. Grinderhand i tried it but it didn't work..