cantering without tables?


Ok i am really really really new at this and this may be a stupid question to most of you, but here goes anyway :P<br />
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i have started a web site..almost complete except for a video link that i will put up later....however, the problem is this...<br />
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On my pc, the page images are aligned perfectly on maximized window frame...however on smaller window size the images move around and looks horrible on other computers and/or browsers.<br />
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Do i have to use tables to correct this?<br />
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or is there a script that i can use...or both...or what?<br />
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please any help would do wonders. thanks.<!--content-->Please elaborate. You don't have to use tables, the use of a DIV with the align attribute set to the appropiate setting will work.<!--content--></div><br />
<img border="0" src="CastlesNKn.gif" width="381" height="49"></p><br />
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ok i am this far and the idea is to be center...<!--content-->do this then...<br />
<br />
<br />
<div align="center"><br />
<img border="0" src="CastlesNKn.gif" width="381" height="49"><br />
</div><br />
<br />
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That will center the image,<!--content-->thanks a bunch<!--content-->No problem :)<!--content-->ok I have a new problem invloving the same type of thing...<br />
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How should the code line look like if i wanted 3 images on the same line without them dropping down and spacing themselves?<br />
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like left side image, center image, and right image on the same line?<!--content-->The best way to do what you want is with CSS. Observe:<br />
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<br />
img {<br />
padding: 0px;<br />
border: none;<br />
}<br />
<br />
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That should either go in an external style sheet, or a style block (<STYLE></STYLE>). That will cause the images to sit 'flush' with one another, provided you have enough room in your container ;)<!--content-->thanks...very, very, very helpful ;)<!--content-->No problem. Happy Coding! ;)<!--content-->