Can't you do Mouseovers in HTML ?


I know i asked about this in the General fourm but i was wonder can't you do mouseovers , onpress & onmouseout in html like <a href="" onmouseover="image1.png">Hi My Name Is Kaisa</a> etc. ?<!--content-->Originally posted by Kaisa <br />
I know i asked about this in the General fourm but i was wonder can't you do mouseovers , onpress & onmouseout in html like <a href="" onmouseover="image1.png">Hi My Name Is Kaisa</a> etc. ? <br />
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No, onmouseover etc is a way to link to/incorporate scripting.<br />
The closes to creating dynamic effects with "html" is to use CSS.<br />
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Your code however doesn't explain what you want to do (change background image? Popup the image? or something else?)<!--content-->Well what i want the script to do is when you move your mouse over it , it changes to a different image the same with clicking on the image etc. including the mouseout script and if you know how to add sound that will help too !<!--content-->Originally posted by Kaisa <br />
Well what i want the script to do is when you move your mouse over it , it changes to a different image the same with clicking on the image etc. including the mouseout script <br />
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Got a funny deja-vue feeling when I read that.<br />
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Already answered this exact question of yours once<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... readid=518</a><!-- m --><!--content-->I know i asked for the same thing in the general fourm and i am sorry if your mad about it but thats how i am and by the way are you the same Stefan that made graalonline ?<br />
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( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Http://">Http://</a><!-- m --> )<!--content-->No..HTML is static and doest have much flare. DHTML or DOM are used to develop interactive wepages. <br />
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Like <img src="before.gif" hsrc="after.gif"><br />
having fun now!<!--content-->I think what you are asking for is a great feat to accomplish for the novice. None of what you desire comes in simple code. Most of all that would be compatible with all Browsers. <br />
I use this example to show how different Browsers handle the same space in a single page. Netscape will have a mouseover sound and a train moving, while Internet Explorer will show my message of what they are missing. Here it is:<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I have such a menu that you ask for, but wonder if you can adopt it for your needs.<!--content-->jdavia-<br />
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Why not write the code so it is compatible in all major browsers? You aren't doing anything that complex in you example. Simply putting a gif in you page with sound onMouseOver. Certainly not something that has to be limited to Netscape...<!--content-->Originally posted by Kaisa <br />
I know i asked for the same thing in the general fourm and i am sorry if your mad about it but thats how i am and by the way are you the same Stefan that made graalonline ?<br />
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( <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="Http://">Http://</a><!-- m --> ) <br />
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I says at the bottom of that site that it was made by a "Linux" person. What are you talking about. (Not Linux the OS, Linux the name).<!--content-->Originally posted by Kaisa<br />
and by the way are you the same Stefan that made graalonline ?No, I can be quite certain that it is not. They used tables for layout... Right Stefan?? :D<!--content-->Mouseover code works just fine in HTML. Go to this link to view some of my code that uses mouseover to supersize images. <br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --><br />
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Pay careful attention to the use of single and double quotes between the <>. Additional mouseover actions, such as sound, can be inserted between the double quotes by using the ; and ' to separate them.<!--content-->here is a simple mouseover.......<br />
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<HTML><br />
<HEAD><br />
<TITLE>Simple Mouseover</TITLE><br />
</HEAD><br />
<BODY><br />
<br />
<A HREF="jsmouse1.html"<br />
onMouseover="mypicture.src=''"<br />
onMouseout="mypicture.src=''"><br />
<IMG SRC="mouseout.gif"<br />
WIDTH=157<br />
HEIGHT=39<br />
BORDER=0<br />
NAME="mypicture"><br />
</A><br />
<br />
</BODY><br />
</HTML><br />
<br />
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Note: Put the file here: <IMG SRC="*******.gif", that you want to be on the page when it initially loads. then put the pics you want to change with the mouse over in the <br />
'*********' spots. you may want to make the load pic the same as the mouseout.gif, and then put a different one for the mouseover or visa versa. <br />
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this works fine.<br />
war:)<!--content-->Originally posted by pyro <br />
No, I can be quite certain that it is not. They used tables for layout... Right Stefan?? :D <br />
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Indeed :D<!--content-->