Can't Upload Pictures To Coppermine


Ok i REALLY am hoping and praying someone can answer this for me cause for 2 days non stop i have been searching all over online and at support forums to find my answer but i have yet to find anything so i found this forum and hopefully i will get an answer.<br /><br />Ok so i installed coppermine, i get it all up and going, everything is working fine. I can make albums, i can do everything, except when i go to batch add the pictures, it will take me to the directory part, i make my selection for the pictures i want, i click insert file, now this is where it won't work, it then won't upload, nothing loads. No error comes up, not even those symbols your suppose to get, you know the OK Blue sign or the red one that tells you it didn't uploaded..etc i don't even get those, it just sits there, but it doesn't act like its uploading, its just as if its dead.<br /><br />However sometimes it will upload one or two files at a time, other times i go back it won't upload anything, its a random thing it will upload. I tried to look in my configuration, i set my group settings right i think, the FTP is set to 777 as far as i know coppermine should upload my pictures without problems but it doesn't. I ended up having my friend redownload the program but that still didn't work, it did it again the second time.<br /><br />ANY help would be great and highly appreciated cause i just have had it and i'm just boggled now. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /><!--content-->
Hi and welcome to the forum, Stephanie. <img src="" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /><br /><br />Make sure that the album folder and the following subfolders have the permission 777:<br /><br />edit<br />userpics<br />and <i>all</i> eventual subalbums you have created inside albums.<br /><br />Then if that doesn纾