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I have this html code generating by JavaScript function, in this simple case I have just one level of ul and 2 li elements\[code\]<ul id="criteria"> <li>Goal <img id="add_criterion" class="add_criterion" src=""> <ul id="1" class="criteria"> <li id="1">criteria 1</li> <li id="2">criteria 2</li> </ul> </li> </ul>\[/code\]and my JavaScript function to remove li that corresponds to id and level(id of ul)\[code\]if($("ul[id="+level+"][class=criteria] li").length ==1){ $("ul[id="+level+"][class=criteria]").remove();}else{ $("ul[id="+level+"][class=criteria] li#"+i).remove();}\[/code\]my problem is when I start by first li I can't remove it, but when I start by the second one I remove it and remove the first with no problems