Cant maximise my window


Hey All,<br />
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This problem has just occurred for no reason at all and i cant seem to solve it.. I have my code written in .txt file and the actual page as a .htm When i open any of my pages to view them in the browser the browser doesnt maximise any more. It used to, but as i say it has just happend and i dont know why or how to fix it....does anyone know how to fix this? <br />
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Thanks in advance<br />
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Rob<!--content-->do you mean that you can't maximise the window - or it just doesn't when you open the page?<!--content-->it doesnt maximise when i open it...Previously when i double clicked on my index.htm file it opened and automatically maximised but now when i open it it doesnt maximise. This seems to have happend for no reason??<!--content-->Hi Rob,<br />
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As far as I know, the browser window opens up to whatever size it was the last time you were using it (unless otherwise specified). You may have been viewing another site in a reduced size window previous to opening up your page.<br />
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Try opening your page, maximising the window and then closing the window. Then reopen your page and it should open full screen. Well, that works in IE anyway.<br />
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There may be a bit of code that you can use to ensure that it always opens at full screen size. I don't know it myself but maybe someone else can help you out.<!--content-->As far as I know, Goldilocks is right. If you want to make the page open at full size like she suggested then put this line in your body tag.<br />
onLoad="top.window.moveTo(0,0);top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight)"<br />
so it looks like this<body onload="top.window.moveTo(0,0);top.window.resizeTo(screen.availWidth,screen.availHeight)"><!--content-->