Can't match any of this subject with preg_match


New Member
I am trying to match some of the Javascript on a Youtube video page. The pattern thats the same for every video is like this:\[code\]<param name=\"flashvars\" value="somethingsomethingsomething\">\[/code\]I need to get out everything in \[code\]value\[/code\], in this case \[code\]somethingsomethingsomething\[/code\]. It is commented out because this is embedded in Javascript. This is the code I'm using:\[code\]preg_match('<param name=\\"flashvars\\" value="(.*)\\">', $ytPage, $match);\[/code\]\[code\]$ytPage\[/code\] is the source code of the youtube page. But when I run the code \[code\]$matches\[/code\] never returns a match.Is there something I'm, doing wrong? Or perhaps someone could perpose a better way of doing what I want.Thanks.