Can't get ScrollTo jquery plugin working?


New Member
Thinking it has something to do with my container div and their CSS. But I am trying to get the months to scroll horizontally. It just isn't working. Any ideas?The divs SHOULD be floating left of each other - not scrolling horizontally but vertically. Also, you need to make sure the Preview quadrant is big enough to view correctly.JS:\[code\]jQuery(document).ready(function(){// active class swapping on menu jQuery("#nm12-menu li").click(function (a) { // style stuff jQuery(this).addClass("active"); jQuery(this).siblings( "#nm12-menu li").removeClass("active"); // now scroll! var myHash = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href'); jQuery('.scrollme').stop().scrollTo(myHash,800); a.preventDefault(); });});?\[/code\]Demo here: