Can't edit/save DOM XML Element Attribute using DomDocument


New Member
I have an XML file like below. I have to use the DOMDocument, so no extra classes allowed. (note I have simplified it, the real file has many entries in both saleItems and catalogItems):\[code\]<?xml version="1.0"?><catalog> <saleItems count="3"> <item name="Xbox 360 Wired Controller" price="19" stock="50" salePrice="12" onSale="yes"> <image>Xbox360Controller.jpg</image> <description>A wired controller for an Xbox 360 Game Console. Comes in either white or black.</description> </item> </saleItems> <catalogItems count="12"> <item name="Dell Alienware Laptop 15 inch" price="2500" stock="200" salePrice="0" onSale="no"> <image>alienwareLaptop.jpg</image> <description>sample description here</description> </item> </catalogItems></catalog>\[/code\]I need to do the following:1) find the node to update based on the name="" attribute (ex: the only data I have to find the appropriate item is the item name)2) when it is found, I need to edit the quantity attribute of just that item (subtract 1)3) when the quantity has been updated, I need the XML file to be saved back to the server.I'm at whits ends with this, I'm having a hard time getting the $domDocument to cooperate.. This is what I have so far, but it does not seem to work properly at all. I can get the stock and substract it, but my changes aren't being saved to the file.\[code\]foreach( $GLOBALS['catalogItems'] as $item ){ if( $item->getAttribute('name') == $itemName ){ // we have a match $oldStock = $item->getAttribute("stock"); $item->setAttribute("stock", $oldStock + $modifier); $dom->save('xml/catalog.xml'); }}\[/code\]any help much appreciated!