Cant display my image (gif/jpeg) coming from my harddisk


Staff member
hi guys im having a hardtime dispalying image coming from my harddrive ,i took some tutorials on the net but they always do the img src="blah.gif <br />
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I trIED it having ball.jpg in my hardrive , but no works :0,<br />
is it needed to upload the image \???? . i knew how to do the img src="url , but the image ONLY is giving me a hardtime pls HELP ! TNX<!--content-->Hmm, are you sure that you've got the right path? <img src="image.jpg"> or similiar requires the image to be located in the same directory as the page calling it, since there's no path specified.<!--content-->if you just do img src='', then the html file (index.html, say) has to be in the same folder on your harddrive as ball.jpg<br />
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If you want people from the web to be able to see your picture, yes, you'll have to upload the picture and the HTML file, and if you ensure they are both in the same directory, then you'll be able to do the img src='' and display the picture.<!--content-->thanks guys for the needed support, i think i didnt combine it in one folder , will work out ur suggestion, hope it works tnks<!--content-->