<%<BR>'Dimension variables<BR>Dim adoCon 'Holds the Database Connection Object<BR>Dim rsAddComments 'Holds the recordset for the new record to be added to the database<BR>Dim strSQL 'Holds the SQL query for the database<BR><BR>'Create an ADO connection odject<BR>Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")<BR><BR>'Set an active connection to the Connection object using a DSN-less connection<BR>adoCon.Open "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("database.mdb")<BR><BR>'Set an active connection to the Connection object using DSN connection<BR>'adoCon.Open "DSN=guestbook"<BR><BR>'Create an ADO recordset object<BR>Set rsAddComments = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")<BR><BR>'Initialise the strSQL variable with an SQL statement to query the database<BR>strSQL = "SELECT tblMembres.surnom, tblMembres.email FROM tblMembres;"<BR><BR>'Set the cursor type we are using so we can navigate through the recordset<BR>rsAddComments.CursorType = 2<BR><BR>'Set the lock type so that the record is locked by ADO when it is updated<BR>rsAddComments.LockType = 3<BR><BR>'Open the tblComments table using the SQL query held in the strSQL varaiable<BR>rsAddComments.Open strSQL, adoCon<BR><BR>'Tell the recordset we are adding a new record to it<BR>rsAddComments.AddNew<BR><BR>'Add a new record to the recordset<BR>rsAddComments.Fields("surnom") = Request.Form("surnomform")<BR>rsAddComments.Fields("email") = Request.Form("emailform")<BR><BR>'Write the updated recordset to the database<BR>rsAddComments.Update<BR><BR>'Reset server objects<BR>rsAddComments.Close<BR>Set rsAddComments = Nothing<BR>Set adoCon = Nothing<BR><BR>'Redirect to the guestbook.asp page<BR>Response.Redirect "guestbook.asp"<BR>%>You need to make sure the directory and access database itself has Read, Write, and Change (R,W,X) permissions. Contact your ISP. That's the place where I would start.repost, and *not* ASP.NET. Foru offenses for the price of one.