cannot print to a printer using win 2000 or xp


Hello I need some help

I setup my Web application to print from a WebServer. I have setup the
account so that it can print correctly. However, it can only print if
the printer is connected to Win98 but if the

printer is connected to Win2000/XP, it throws an error:

Error in File xxx Request cancelled by the user.

Here is my code to print over the web:

Dim x As ReportDocument = New ReportDocument()
x.PrintOptions.PrinterName = "xxx"
x.PrintToPrinter(1, True, 1, 1) '(eror on this line)

Please give me a solution
thank u alli allready edit machine.config file
userName = "machine" password = "AutoGenerate"
i changed to
userName = "System" password = "AutoGenerate"
but still failed

please give me solutions