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Below is a simple database class, well its part of a class, I stripped everything out except the parts related to my question. Basicly it will allow me to build a file with all the queries that were ran on a page load with the time they took, the order they are in, the total count, and then also the actual SQL that was ran. It is very nice but I am having trouble. I cannot get it to write to the file, you can see below that I print to screen the value of $sss which is the value that should be written to file. In PHP I have error reporting set to show everything and I get no write errors or anything, it just doesn't write to the file, possibly I may have the file on the wrong folder but I am not sure. So what would be a good way to set a filepath to the log file and also to make it write? IF it cannot find the file now, should I see some sort of error? \[code\]<?PHPclass Database{ public $debug = true; public $query_count = 0; public $debug_file = "debug.sql"; public function query($sql){ //start timer stuff for debug logger list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $time_start = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); //run mysql query $result = mysql_query($sql); ///debug list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $time_end = ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); $time = $time_end - $time_start; if($this->debug){ $this->query_count ++; $f = fopen($this->debug_file, "a"); $sss = "# ".$this->query_count."\n ".$time." sec \n\n".$sql."\n#-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n"; // I print to screen just for test to see what should be wrriten to the file echo $sss; fputs($f, $sss, strlen($sss)); fclose($f); } //end debug }}?>\[/code\]