Cannot create folder in IIS


New Member
Hi all,<BR><BR>Using FileSystemObject, I can tell ASP to create a folder on the local server (Win98). However, I cannot do it on the IIS. I can only do "FolderExists" but not create/get. Does anyone have a clue on this subject, please share with me. <BR><BR>my code looks something like this:<BR><BR>Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")<BR>if not MyFileObject.FolderExists(Server.MapPath("/roomates/" & Name & "")) then<BR><BR>Set MyFolder=MyFileObject.CreateFolder(Server.MapPath("/roomates/" & Name & ""))<BR><BR>End If<BR><BR>Did I make it correctly? Do you think of permission issues?<BR><BR>ThanksYou may have already done this but..<BR>Have you checked that the iuser_machinename (or whatever user you are impersonating) has access to the folder you are trying to access? if not, then set the iuser with permissions and you should be able to create etc...