can you set SCROLLBAR WIDTH with css?



i know that with IE, you can specify all kinds of cool color effects on your scrollbars through a stylesheet like this:

.amy_scroll_bar {
scrollbar-3dlight-color: Red;
scrollbar-arrow-color: GreenYellow;
scrollbar-base-color: Gold;
scrollbar-darkshadow-color: Blue;
scrollbar-face-color: DarkOrange;
scrollbar-highlight-color: HoneyDew;
scrollbar-shadow-color: NavajoWhite;
scrollbar-track-color: GreenYellow;

i was wondering first of all if this works on browsers besides windows/ie and secondly, can you set the dimensions of the scrollbar to something daintier than the standard 15-20 pixel scroll bar? i'm hoping to avoid using Flash for a scroll pane.noOriginally posted by samij586
no To that I'll add, thank goddess. :D