can you help?


I am using notepad to build my website but would like to know if i would need to upload to see the .gif's that i am using to see them on the preview browser?<br />
or am i putting the code in the wrong place?<br />
<br />
It comes up with the box in the browser where the graphic should be.........<br />
<br />
Susan<!--content-->(Possibly)<br />
<br />
I think what's happening is that you maybe using an absolute URL as opposed to a relative URL.<br />
<br />
This means that you may be linking to<br />
<br />
[absolute]<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.your**">http://www.your**</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
[relative]<br />
/images/whatever.gif<br />
<br />
meaning that when you test you site on your pc - (offline) you can't find it as you are not connected to the net.<br />
However - if you have your directory structure intact on your hard drive (i.e. the images directory under the index.htm file) then index.htm will be able to find the gif.<br />
<br />
Clear as mud?<br />
HTH<br />
d.<!--content-->Not exactly sure what you mean, but you can build and view webpages on your loacl computer before uploading anything, just make sure the path to the images is correct on your local PC. If you have a folder that contains HTML files, you can put a subfolder inside that folder named images and place the images in that folder and call the images using the path <IMG SRC=> or place the images in the same folder as the html file and use no path <IMG SRC=yourimage.jpg> <br />
<br />
HTH,<br />