can you help me to debug?


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
pls. tell me the problem..<br />
sorry for the layout i'm new this html...<br />
<br />
Line: 2<br />
Char: 9<br />
Error Syntax Error<br />
Code: 0<br />
URL:<!--content-->First of all, I would HIGHLY suggest you rethink having music on a site that plays without letting the user know it's going to play, or at least give them the option to play it. Second, you see there's this really crappy web host known as Geocities. Yep, your problem is the fact that Geocities added in code that generates an error. I don't know enough about Geocities to know exactly what you can do to change their code, but hopefully somebody else will know enough to help you out.<!--content-->thx for telling me...<br />
and you help me a lot.<!--content-->