can you help me customise my mailing list?


Staff member
Hello, If you can help me, you're a diamond!<br />
I've created a mailing list which works fine using mail.cgi<br />
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However, I would like to customise it so that it fits into the page I am working on. <br />
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here is an example page <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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1. The text field and submit button must fit in a cell 242 x 50 pixels - I can change the size of the text field, but I can't get the actual 'type' to get any smaller. I would also like to change the submit button to a customised button (see example), but I can't get the html to recoognise the 'graphic' as a 'field button'.<br />
2. Is it possible to have the 'confirmation' page to appear in a small popup window, rather than replacing the present page - this is because the mailing list 'text field' will be incorporated into the main menu page for the site.<br />
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I could just have all of this in a seperate pop-up page or in a seperate part of the site, but it looks sooooooo much better in this position - it's just a bit restricting, but I'm sure it can be done!<br />
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If you can help me, I'd be very grateful!<br />
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Rob.<!--content-->ok the first problem is that a form is a block level element. which means it puts a border around itself. the most common way is to put style="display:inline" in the form tag.<br />
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<FORM action=/cgi-bin/flagmail.cgi method=post style="display:inline"><br />
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now although it fixes it in IE it will not work in NS4.xx and there is noway around have the submit button be a graphic you need to change it like so<br />
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<input type=image src="mailing list_files/submit.gif" name=submit><br />
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as far as having a popup on submit that is up to your mail.cgi to do. you could code it to popup a window when it sends the mail or popup a window to say the confirmation.<!--content-->