Can you have more than one background colour?


I have one colour for my background is there any way you can more than one or have it liuke two colours blending together?<br />
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Thanks<br />
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HG<!--content-->If you used PhotoShop or Paint, you could probably make a picture of the two colors blending into one another, and use that picture as your background. I dont know about setting two colors for the body background. Images might be your only way.<!--content-->An image is the best (and easiest) way to do what you are wanting. If you were to try to set the background color 2 different colors then it would go to the first color that it finds and ignore the second. Try doing what HueJorgan suggested. :)<!--content-->yeah, for best results, if you want a gradient, just make one in your graphics editor and make it as tall as you need it and 1 pix wide (or as wide as you need it and 1 pix high). that way it'll load quicker than lightning. be sure to specify a halfway decent background color to use while the image is loading so it looks cool.<!--content-->See this thread:<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=15627</a><!-- m --><!--content-->OK thanks I'll do that<br />
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