Can this be done in HTML??


Hi guys, I'm new here, <br />
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I'm compelety baffled over this prob.... I would like to get this flat 3Dless style in my Html forms, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> so far I was only able to achieve the 'flat look' with the text and button tags.... can anyone shed some light on the checkbox and radio button tags? is it possible?<!--content-->No.<!--content-->Your question was very specific, can it be done with HTML code?, as Mr. C. Dinosaur has succinctly replied, the answer is NO. <br />
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I believe the effect you see on the website you linked to is done using VB scripting, although I'm not positive. If that is the case the code might not be compatible with some browsers. <br />
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Regards,<br />