Can Somebody Please Tell Me How To Script This


Staff member
Can someone tell me how I might go about scripting this??

I would like to make a js to do the following, however my scripting skills are not good enough yet to accomplish it. I would really appreciate it if someone could help me...

Here is what I am trying to do... I am trying to calculate different betting results for the card game "WAR" it is a simple game, the dealer draws one card for you and him, whoever has the highest card wins, for the purpose of this script I also want to count all ties as dealer wins.
(however on all ties the $loss to the player would be 1/2 of the amount bet for that hand)

I am trying to make a script that:

1. On the input page- Asks how many decks of cards I want to calculate for.
(I want the variable to be 1 through 12 decks of cards)

2. On the input page- Asks how much I want to bet for bets 1 thru 15
(example: I always start my first bet the same, if I lose I bet a different amount on the second bet, if I lose again I bet even different on the 3rd bet, but after I finally win I go back to my first bet level)

SAMPLE:::: I Would Walk To The Betting Table, and on my...

1st hand- I would place a level 1 bet and if I lose,
on the
2nd hand- I would place a level 2 bet and if I lose again,
on the
3nd hand- I would place a level 3 bet and if I lose again,
on the
4nd hand- I would place a level 4 bet and if I finally win,
then on the
5th hand- I would start all over and place a level 1 bet again,
and if I lose, on the
6th hand- I would place a level 2 bet and if I lose again,
on the
7th hand- I would place a level 3 bet and if I finally win,
on the
8th hand- I would start all over and place a level 1 bet again, and if I win again,
on the
9th hand- I would start all over and place a level 1 bet again, and if I win again,
on the
10th hand- I would start all over and place a level 1 bet again

//I imagine when scripting the losses would need to be added to help dictate the betting amount level for the next hand

3. On the input page- Starting Bankroll- Asks how much money I will be starting
the betting with.

4. On the input page- Asks how many hands I want the script to calculate for.
(10 to 1000 hands)

5. On the input page- Has a form button that says "begin"

I want the output to be on the output page:

(My Starting Balance
(Hand 1..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 2..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 3..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 4..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 5..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 6..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 7..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 8..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 9..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
(Hand 10..) (My card) (Dealers Card) (Win-or-lose) (New Balance)
//So on and so on depending on how many hands I entered on the input page.

Total hands played:
Wins: (number) and (%)
Losses + Ties: (number) and (%)


Any help on this would be appreciated for sure, I would like to do it all myself but I don't know enough about JS to handle it at this time, trust me I have spent some time trying..

Dick Withem...