can somebody help with my site


Hi! I'm making a website and i want it to be really good and it must work on a lot of browsers (even older browsers on other platforms than Windows). I'm still a beginner but i really want to learn from the experience of other users. <br />
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So could anybody take the trouble to check one page i've done (checking the actual html code)? It's a very easy page (just tables and pictures) but i want to be sure that i'm doing it like it should. Any tips, help, advice on doing it better of different,... would be really helpful and appreciated. I've set up the page at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> and i also did the same page with most borders on so that you can see the structure i used. This page is at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... order.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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I used empty gifs to align text.<br />
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Big thank you for any help<!--content-->on an aesthetic level, I really like the color scheme (but that might be becasue I used the color scheme on an old site of mine, and I have impeccable taste, j/k ) :) over all, it's nice, professional looking, but not all that innovative, which maybe be what you're going for, simpleness. <br />
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"wonderfully simple" kate<!--content-->