Can I use the same description tag?

Hello friends,

Can I use the same description tag for some of my other similar sites. If no please let me know the reason?

Please give your valuable suggestion's...

Thanks In my opinion you should use unique description for differnt sites because Google can consider it as duplicate content.s. Always try to add unique description plus title tags to your web pages, even if you own and moderate several websites which are related to each other and operating in the same commercial niche. At the same time, attempt to avoid using duplicate contents on your websites, it is a bad practice of maintaining portals and will result in loss of ranks and drops in number of pages indexed. When search engines arrive on your web pages, they expect to find original materials, being different from others.

Naturally, if they find almost duplicate contents on your pages, with the same titles or descriptions, what do you guess they will think about the visited spots? They will believe they may not be of high values because their creators have not spent time to provide the net audience with original, unique and relevant data. Sometimes instead of working on several sites that cover the same subjects, making one of the them very great as s single bright portal would be a better idea. If your Description or title are diffrent and unique then you can get good profit, because if you are using same description or title in same Details then google take it like duplicate content. no no not at all. duplicacy is the worst thing you can do with your site.. Never use the same. You website will be affected very badly because Google will conside it duplicate. It is okay to use similar keywords and tags, but description is something you will need to only rephrase. You can, but for seo point of view you must be on web with fresh and unique things. You title and description play an important role in your rankings. No way never try to use same description, it will hurt ur website pr and if u use unique description it will help you to get index ur website If you put same description than you will face duplication problem. And google will doesn't give value to your website. Thread sounds like a broken record with people repeating the same answers.

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