Can I use onfocus with CSS ?


Staff member
I am fed up of seeing the frame appear when I click on any link so I have been using the command:<br />
<br />
onfocus="this.blur()"<br />
<br />
I have been putting this into every link I have and it is very troublesome to find each and every link. Is there anyway I can apply this to a whole page or even a whole website ? And if so, is it able to validate okay ?<br />
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I haven't much experience with CSS / HTML so any advice will be great.<br />
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Thanks<br />
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Toot<!--content-->nope, you have to do it for every link<!--content-->It would be nice to have this in CSS though... maybe in 3.0 hopefully.<!--content-->Thanks for replying. Saves me keep trying to get it to work when in fact it won't.<br />
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Pity.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Toot<!--content-->This was recently posted in another forum (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... adid=26847</a><!-- m -->) I frequent,<br />
and would seem to answer your question.<br />
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<script><br />
onload=function(){<br />
for (i=0; i<document.links.length;i++)<br />
document.links.onfocus = function (){this.blur()};<br />
}<br />
</script><br />
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.....Willy<!--content-->Wow !! So it may be possible with javascript.<br />
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Thanks. I will give it a try and see if it works.<br />
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Cheers<br />
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Toot<!--content-->I tested it using alerts.<br />
Let me know if it works for you. ;) <br />
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