Can I use handler instead of webservice


New Member
I have a stiuation where I have to decide what should I use a \[code\]http-handler\[/code\] or a \[code\]web-service\[/code\].
I want to expose some kind of method for particular people who will use this.

The senerio is one of my client has to install \[code\].apk\[/code\] file on his \[code\]tab\[/code\] to access my application.
Inside that file my application is called.
Before accessing my application there is a registration process for which I need some method to register that device.
I have used \[code\]http-handler\[/code\] which is working fine for me in \[code\]testing\[/code\].

Will it can cause some problem in future.
They are writing code for sending hitting my \[code\]handler\[/code\] and gettin back result from there. It is running fine in \[code\]testing\[/code\]