Can I retun the value of chck boxes in a hidden input?


Staff member
Is it possialbe to use 20 checkboxes (1 to 20) and 10 radio bottons (1 to 10) to generate the value for "item_name" for a Single Item Purchase with PayPal when they use (<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value=""> )? I want to click on 5 of the 20 checkboxes and 1 radio button and send the value in the (<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value=""> ). I am useing javascript to limt the to five choices
<script language="javascript">

function KeepCount() {
var NewCount = 0
if (document.item1.A.checked)
{NewCount = NewCount + 1}
if (document.item1.B.checked)
{NewCount = NewCount + 1}
if (document.item1.C.checked)
{NewCount = NewCount + 1}
if (document.item1.D.checked)
{NewCount = NewCount + 1}.....
witch workes well. I use a plain radio button<input type="radio" name="item2" value="1">. I want to add the value if item1(witch should be five letters) and the radio button selection and send that as a value for the (<input type="hidden" name="item_name" value=""> ) Can this be done or am I crazy???? Any help would be wounderful.:D