Can i remove the square from my banner?


hi im making a banner for my website:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
the banner/link has a blue square around tehre a way to remove that?<!--content-->in your <img> tag add border=0<!--content-->Or in your external stylesheet add this line to remove the browser or every single image on your site.<br />
<br />
img, a img {border:0;}<!--content-->One addition, just a detail, but it can be a nuissance:<br />
Don't use Returns within the anchor/image code<br />
<br />
not<br />
<a herf="...."><br />
<img src=><br />
</a><br />
<br />
but<br />
<a herf="...."><img src=></a><br />
<br />
If you don't it will (sometimes) show a corner of that border<br />
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Zebedeus<!--content-->lol...returns dont do a would only do that if u had a line break...otherwise it doesnt read it like that<!--content-->never be too confident, Elliot.<br />
I have truly seen this.<br />
Plus other things that were totally illogical and <br />
should not happen, but they do.<br />
This is one of them.<br />
HTML doesn't need returns at all.<br />
So why not better be safe then sorry?<br />
<br />
Zebedeus<!--content--> doesnt do anything but let it go...its goin off topic<!--content-->You'll see a small "_" palced after the image. You will get that even if you do <a><img> </a>.<!--content-->