Can I make my pages 'fade' in?


Hello everyone,<br />
I have seen alot of sites when the page 'fades' in, ( from nothing - blank - to everything loaded together ).<br />
I have seen the codes for curtains, up and down, boxes etc etc but not for fadeing a page in.<br />
Hope someone cand help me.<br />
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My page is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
Many thanks.<!--content-->In my searching for you I have seen a lot of sweeps and wipes, but no fades from black. Still looking...<!--content-->Thank you Soldier for a reply to my problem, but maybe I did not explain what I want properly.<br />
I want my page to fade-up from nothing ie a white background, then become more and more visable within about 5 seconds, so that the writing and images have time to load.<br />
Many thanks, Dean.<!--content-->I understand, now. You might be able to do that with a DHTML effect or something. Try <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> for that. Or, you may be able to use Flash to do it.<!--content-->