Can I have frames in a perl script?


Staff member
I'd say this is the right section to post this in.<br />
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I have to do a HTML assignment. Basically it's a HTML interface that allows you to view stuff from a database using PHP and mainly perl scripts. I was wondering if it is possible to use frames with a perl script. If I was to have the contents of one frame being HtmlDoc.html and the other being that would be fine wouldn't it? <br />
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Also is it possilbe to fix a table in a certain position (like fixing a background image to the top right).Thanks - HSV Guy<!--content-->I can't answer most about your first post, but may I reccomend a book? Checking it out at a library is much cheaper than if you were you actually buy it.<br />
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HTML Black Book<!--content-->Yes you can run different scripts/pages in different pages, e.g. in one frame, name.html in another frame and finally name.php in a 3rd. that is perfectly fine.<!--content-->