Can Get It


Ok I just noticed really when taking a look at my site in 800x600 and noticed a horizontal scrollbar. When I took a look at the gap there is nothing in it. I tried playing around with the tables and such but only managed to make it run all over the place. I can't get it. It may be a newbie question, but i could deal with that title for a while I guess. Take a look <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. thanks in advance.<br />
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~Insyder<!--content-->I viewed your site using 800x600 and got a horizontal scrollbar but it only scrolled very slightly to the right. Are you sure you can't just resize your tables slightly? I notice that you specifiy the exact width of each table in pixels. Perhaps you could try using percentages i.e. <table width="100%"> or specifying the percentage of the screen that you want each column to take up.<br />
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I'm sure it's just a case of reducing the width of your tables but if by doing that it is messing up part of your layout, then perhaps you need to make adjustments elsewhere to stop that happening.<!--content-->Your page is down now<!--content-->yes it's down now , appologize for this :(<!--content-->thanx goldilox, i guess i could just play with the widths some more. i'm not sure why the server was down. it's been doing that more and more often. i have to get a new host. anyway...thanks for your help. and huythuy, you don't have to say sorry, it's not your fault. thanks again.<!--content-->Usually, I find if designing for 800 x 600, set the table width to 750 if you want a fixed width.<!--content-->IT'S NOT DOWN look at this :<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->. <br />
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You should remember this all through your lifetime<br />
Insyder16 :D<!--content-->haha...thank you very much huythuy. i will remember this always! thanks again.<br />
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