New Member
I am currently learning different ways to iterate through the xml document tags using the php DOMDocument object, I understand the \[code\]foreach\[/code\] loop for iterating through the tags, but the \[code\]$element->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue\[/code\] is a bit unclear to me could somebody explain to me in detail? Thank you.\[code\]<?php $xmlDoc = new DOMDocument(); $xmlDoc->load('StudentData.xml'); $studentRoot = $xmlDoc->getElementsByTagName('Student'); for ($i = 0; $i < ($studentRoot->length); $i++) { $firstNameTags = $studentRoot->item($i)->getElementsByTagName('FirstName'); echo $firstNameTags->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->nodeValue.' <br />'; } /* so much easier and clear to understand! */ foreach($studentRoot as $node) { /* For every <student> Tag as a separate node, step into it's child node, and for each child, echo the text content inside */ foreach($node->childNodes as $child) { echo $child->textContent.'<br />'; } }?>\[/code\]