can background image be resized?


I'm having trouble with a animated gif background, I want it tiled but also larger than the original, I know it will be blockier.<br />
I can't find any background commands for size. just color, alignment all those css style things.<br />
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thanks anyone for helping!<!--content-->I think what you'd do is resize the image first and then set it to background,I haven't done this but don't see any reason that why it would not work.<br />
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:D<!--content-->thanks for the reply, The problem is - I want to keep the file small but the image bigger, my understanding is that graphics on the internet are at 72"dpi"-or whatever the suffix is. With the IMG SRC tags you can resize a 4pixel by 4pixel into a 20X20 pixel image (it'll be blocky but a very small file) is there a tag for background images like this? I can't figure out a way to make the image size matter in html- it's the pixel count that matters. ( i'm very new to all this so I might be asking a silly question, you might simply not be able to do it in html, maybe there is a javascript route or something. any help would be great meanwhile I'll try to figure out the resize somehow.<br />
thanks.<!--content-->you want to use an animated gif for a background?<br />
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what for?<br />
(i didn't intend to sound critical...)<br />
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usually (and i don't know what your animated gif looks like), it's a bad idea to use an animated gif for a background... for the simple reason that it tends to be very irritating to your viewer.<br />
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but... maybe you have a really good one :)<!--content-->I realize under normal circumstances it's a nasty no no. but rules are made to be broken! if I can get the thing to work I'll send a link to the thread, and you can see for yourself if it's a nasty effect or not. so far it looks like crap. and I haven't had time to do too much with it, check back in a week or so.<br />
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THanks for the word of design warryness.-friends don't let friends drive people nutts. <br />
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