Can anyone understand this data from Alexa?


New Member
On my main site which is a UK site Im having lots of traffic from India come through and I don't know why

Alexa Ranking is
154,626 United Kingdom
285,828 India
533,561 United States

But users come from:

32.9% United States
28.7% India
21.8% United Kingdom
16.6% OTHER

We dont sell anything and have never sold a thing to India and I dont advertise over there, has anyone else ever had results like this or got any idea why all this traffic comes from a country we dont well to? Quote: Originally Posted by visionwindowfilms On my main site which is a UK site Im having lots of traffic from India come through and I don't know why

Alexa Ranking is
154,626 United Kingdom
285,828 India
533,561 United States

But users come from:

32.9% United States
28.7% India
21.8% United Kingdom
16.6% OTHER

We dont sell anything and have never sold a thing to India and I dont advertise over there, has anyone else ever had results like this or got any idea why all this traffic comes from a country we dont sell to?

Alexa stats are collected via non-malicious "spyware"

Once the user has the spyware running on their computer, any web page they view in a web browser is recorded - this is the source of the data

So even though you don't sell to India, there are computer users in India looking at your web pages - that's why they're showing up in the Alexa stats