Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this????


Staff member
This is the command line from page 1:

<a href="wow01.htm?divagallery01&01&01&01"></a>
divagallery01 = photo gallery
1st 01 = gallery number
2nd 01 = page number
3rd 01 = used to determine which wrestler name to display

This is code is page 02:

var gallerydir =,13).split("&");
var gallerynum =,2).split("&");
var pagenum =,2).split("&");
var wrestlernumber =,2).split("&");

<script language="JavaScript1.1" src="selectwrestler.js"></script>

This is selectwrestler.js:

// Determine which Wrestler

var selectwrestler = " ";

switch (wrestlernumber)
case 01 : selectwrestler = "Stacy Keibler"; break;
case 02 : selectwrestler = "Torrie Wilson"; break;
case 03 : selectwrestler = "Lilian Garcia"; break;
case 04 : selectwrestler = "Trish Stratus"; break;
case 05 : selectwrestler = "Stephanie McMahon"; break;

document.title = "'Da Man' Bill 'The Annihilator' Goldberg's -- Diva Gallery: " + selectwrestler + " -- Gallery: " +
gallerynum + " --- " + " Page: " + pagenum;

Here is the problem:
when the command line is passed all the variables are getting picked up in the variable names. When I call selectwrestler.js, based on what wrestlernumber is it is supposed to set selectwrestler to a specific wrestler, but it is blank and nothing is displayed, everything else is displayed correctly. do i need to convert wrestlernumber to an integer, if so how is that done?
