Anncouncement Background Color:
The best way to make your forum announcements stand out is to change the color of the background.
This template adjustment, hard codes the change to your template, making it more efficient when loading the page.
Background colours may need to be different, depending on the style colour you are using. You can achieve this by modifiying the template in each style.
Open "threadbit announcement" from within the threadbit templates.
<td class="alt2" colspan="$announcecolspan">
where FFFFFF is equal to the html color code you wish to use.
Better Looking Postbit;
Admin CP> Styles and Templates>Edit Templates>Edit Postbit_Legacy
Copy the notepad file and replace it with yours.
Hoxxy notes:
Before editing Anncouncement Background Color check out this post
It gives alot more options then just the background
Better Looking Postbit
This is for 3.5 so I suggest finding the differences and adding them rather than juat replacing the whole template.