I am using DataList control and I set RepeatColumns to 5, but db query returns total of 6 records.<BR>So then First row in my DataList will contain 5 cells, but Second row only one cell??? <BR>What happens to 5 additional empty cells to complete table row to create proper html?<BR><BR>Can I add them programmaticaly instead? <BR><BR>Alex <BR>Alex , Need more info on the structure of the Html Table produce by the rendering of your page.<BR>are you using a template ? , this is the best way to predict the output of the databinding <BR><BR>can you show some code , just to satisfy my curiosity?<asp
ataList id="PT_Menu" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" ShowFooter="False" ShowHeader="False" RepeatColumns="2" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"><BR> <ItemTemplate><BR> data goes here...<BR> </ItemTemplate><BR> </asp
ataList><BR><BR>when you ran DataList with such a setting and you have lets say 3 records to return, the html output produses the follow:<BR><BR><table ...><BR><tr><BR><td>data goes here...</td><td>data goes here...</td><BR></tr><BR><tr><BR><td>data goes here...</td><BR></tr><BR></table><BR>This table is missing additional <td></td> in the second row,<BR>which is simply not proper html.<BR><BR>