Can Any one Please help i am in Trouble


New Member
Hello to all VB team!

I am wondering for a month over to find the solution of my problem.... all team please help me regarding my problen

i am a newbie in vbulletin forum world.... the problem is that when i attach any picture or image in any format either in JPEG or in GIF i have a problem that the image size is too small and the message it shows is that "CLICK FOR LARGER VERSION".... I have seen in many forums that the size of attachment image is the same as its real size... kindly tell me if i can do so you can see the size of attachment at site

kindly help me regarding my problem as soon as possible

and the version i am using for vbulletin is 3.8.0 Candidate 2

Please help
AdminCP>Attachments>Attachment Manager

Change all your setting in there.

eg. No thumbnail or size in height and width.
So if I understand you, you want thumbnails but you want them to be larger?

If that's the case, AdminCP -> vBulletin Options ->Message Attachment Options -> Thumbnail Size -> set a new size for the longest side you want any image to be and click Save.

Then, AdminCP -> Maintenance -> Update Counters -> Rebuild Attachment Thumbnails to make the existing thumbnails conform to the newly set size.
No sir its also not working see a link below which is of your forum.... see the large image i want my attachments to show up like this... please help
Link Here -- See n solve my problem

i don't want anymore thumbnails i want to see attached images... my freind who is also owing a vb forum said that i need a hack to do so... is there any solution... i have been wondering for more than a month
What the hell is this going on at this thread your answer is this is not attachment you are talking about this is simple image insert bbcode where u can put the image link. then image comes like that as u r talking about and in attachments newer versions of vb hav the ability to show the attached images like that. and my request to admin or moderators pls remove this nudity stuff on this thread plsss..