can any body do this ??

Hi All,

I have an assignment to create a simple .net page which has 2 text boxes one 4 subject n other 4 message

and a send button

when we click to send button this message should be send to my perticular mail id.

plz send me code of the page........


Thanx in advance

DevsSeeing as it's your assignment, shouldn't you do it? It really isn't hard (especially if you use the SMTP class to handle the mail for you.)Thanx a lot for your help...........I think not making work for a person when he should learn to do it himself IS help.I have done this and working well for my local machine
but after I made some change
SMTPMail.SMTPServer propeerty it is not working now
what could be the problem
Now i have removed that line
its still not working

Any Help plz
AbhishekTo help you, ppl need to see the code. What use of posting a problem? There could be thousands of solutions. Post the piece of code that doesn't work.At present i havn't exact code i can supply u later
I have done it using
System.Web.Mail namespace

create a MailMessage object suppose msg
and simply sett all properties
and finally
It worked well i recieve mail in my outlook account
after that i tried to set mailserver property
i set it to localhost
then it cause error