Can AdRotator have any other datasource than usually used XML file?


hai everyone
i am trying to make use of adrotator but can we have some other source than simple ad XML file i mean like as data table or some thing like that.?
and one more thing is there a way to just show the next ad inside the adrotator without refreshing the whole page....?

Tanks in advance
austinYou hav eto refresh the whole page. Otherwise how is not content going to get to the browser? HTTP is a protocol in which the client sends a requests, the server sends the data, the connection is closed. It is a request based protocol, not stateful, so data cannot just be sent. It all has to be rerequested. The only way to not refresh the whole page is to put the ad inside of a (i)frame or use an applet which would not be using the ad rotator control at all.

You can always do something like this
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->