Can a table write itself, spreading it's contents equally accross two cells??


A table. Two columns. Like this:-----------------<br />
| ~~~~~ | ~ ~~ |<br />
| ~ ~~~ | ~~~ ~ | ~ being lots of words<br />
| ~. | ~~~~~ |<br />
| | ~~~ ~ |<br />
| | ~~~~~ |<br />
| | ~~~~! |<br />
-----------------How do I make the text appear evenly, in each cell? Of course I can cut-and-paste words from the right into the leftside, but that's only guessing. I want code that will automatically decide for me how to balance the table.<br />
The attached file is alot better at showing my problem. <br />
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I don't expect plain HTML to handle this. HTML is static, doesn't like moving. Would this be some kind of javascript I'm looking at? Is my idea SOOOO aestetic, script could only count letters hoping they're all the same width??? Is it possible?!<!--content-->The idea is like a newspaper column; easier to read, since it won't be ALOT of text on one long line, 600 to 1000 pixels across, possibly loosing track of your position when you bring your eyes back to left side to read a new line.<br />
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My problem is I can only 'eyeball', get an aproximation, moving words from one side to the other manually; based on MY FONT, screen size... I don't want to manually move words! Eck! <br />
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A picture for those who see better than they hear, I'd like the first words on the right side to automatically come to the left side, thus shortening the total height (even-ing out the cells) of table, is below:<!--content-->well you can give each td a specifiv width, like 50% or put in a spacer<br />
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that way if the spacer is 400 px, the comlumn cant get smaller than that! you will just need to scroll verticly, but thats better than having crammed text.<!--content-->not as easy as you think. you will have to check, with javascript, for a the total amount of letters or words and splitting it in half then adding it to the cells. <br />
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are you pulling it out of a database or file?<!--content-->In concept, neither; but I am willing to use any of those if will make this work. Conceptually, I'd thought I'd just call a function, pass a long-paragraph-of-words as a variable, and have the function create the table for me.<br />
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But if you think saving these paragraphs-of-words in a seperate file helps, like PARAGRAF.TXT, then I'm all ears...<!--content-->lets try another approach. If you have That much text on a page it will look cumbersome. My suggestion is to remember that we don't have to display ALL the info on every page. Id rather see a headline and a 50character 'teaser' that lets me pull the full article by clicking. Much easier to scale the application that way. <br />
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Finally, you could even best that by using some dhtml, which would allow you to display TONS of articles in a very organized manner: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
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I think the best use of the web is 'hiding' information until the user wants to see it instead of cramming TONS of text on a page.<!--content-->Damnit, there's merit to your point, Dr Web. It sounds a little like your trying to convince me out of finding such code ;)<br />
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In actual fact, this is just a curious pursuit. I have no plans at this exact minute (month?) to use it. I'm hoping to put a height="100%" tag in that table, and each column could be for example 200 pixels wide, and then I can REALLY ACTUALLY start designing pages that scroll horizontally. :D:):cool:!<br />
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Instead of crappy hardcoded approximations like this (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->)! Eck! That icky page needs excessive NOWRAP tags and <BR> tags to accmomplish the effect... Which I'm dissapointed in.<!--content-->