Calling the Gurus - Another FRAMES question


Hello all,<br />
<br />
I'm back, I stuck again! ****.<br />
<br />
Please look at the code below and tell me why it works only 60% of the time. Sometimes it works OK, and other times it get the infamous "error on page" message. I am using frames ONLY because I wanted the header to be "frozen" on the screen. Perhaps there is a way to do this WITHOUT USING FRAMES, this "Freeze Pane", for those of you familiar with MS-EXCEL.<br />
<br />
In any case, I am trying to hold the header so it would always be displayed (some Images, Text and a Button or two) even if the user scrolls down the page. So, Exam1.html is just the header.<br />
<br />
<br />
Any thoughts?<br />
<br />
Thanks and kind regards,<br />
Vincent<br />
Z榛礽ch, Switzerland<br />
<br />
<br />
P.S., Happy Mothers day to those to whom it applies!<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<br />
<head><br />
<title>Exam Simulator</title><br />
</head><br />
<br />
<frameset name="ExamFrames" rows="23%,77%" BORDER=0 framespacing=0 frameborder=0 scrolling=no noresize><br />
<frame name="topFrame" src="/ExamCabinet/Exam1.html" ><br />
<frame name="bottomFrame" src="/ExamCabinet/Exam2.php3" ><br />
</frameset><br />
<br />
</html><!--content-->The answer to ALL frame problems is simple: DO NOT USE THEM.<br />
<br />
The "frame" appearance can be easily achieved with CSS. Just use overflow: auto with your content block. Here are my examples:<br />
<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> (use the style selector in the bottom right corner to overflow the content element(set to large))<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> (hover over the buttons to get a block with overflown content)<!--content-->Originally posted by Vladdy <br />
..............<br />
The "frame" appearance can be easily achieved with CSS. Just use overflow: auto with your content block. <br />
<br />
Can you load another page using CSS block?<!--content-->Why do you need to load another page? Separating content from navigation and banner makes it accessibility nightmare and has plenty of other negative consequences.<!--content-->Hello All, <br />
<br />
Vladdy: <br />
I am not able to make something from your example. <br />
<br />
Perhaps, there is a more simple example. I am such a beginner.<br />
<br />
Thanks,<br />
Vincent<!--content--><div style="width: 100px; height 50px; overflow:auto"><br />
you content stuff goes here. put allot of it to get the scroll<br />
</div><!--content-->Hi Vincent....<br />
<br />
Check-out the following page for an Excel-like frozen AND fluid page:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... index.html</a><!-- m --><br />
<br />
Frames will be ancient history once you adopt this style (in whatever variation).<br />
<br />
Good luck and have fun learning!!! :)<br />
<br />
;) k<!--content-->I am trying to get this to work, but I must be thick...I'm sure!<br />
<br />
All I want to do is freeze the header so it doesn't scroll. I have not been able to do this. Is there some simple change in my "style " that will accomplish this. BTW, I use IE 6.<br />
<br />
Thanks in advance, <br />
Vincent<br />
<br />
P.S., Thanks so far to Vladdy and Jersey girl<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<html> <br />
<head> <br />
<style> <br />
#header {<br />
position: fixed;<br />
margin: 10px 0px 0px 0px;<br />
top: auto;<br />
left: auto;<br />
border: none;<br />
height: auto;<br />
z-index: 5;<br />
overflow:none; }<br />
#main{ <br />
margin-left: 0em; <br />
margin-top: 80px;<br />
overflow:none; } <br />
</style> <br />
</head> <br />
<body> <br />
<div id="header" >Best little title in Texas</div> <br />
<div id="main" >My content and all the stuff that belongs to it.</div> <br />
</body> <br />
</html><!--content-->position:fixed is not supported by IE, but you do not need it. Do this:<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<style><br />
body<br />
{ padding: 0px;<br />
margin: 0px;<br />
}<br />
<br />
#header<br />
{ position: absolute;<br />
margin: 0px;<br />
top: 0px;<br />
left: 0px;<br />
border: none;<br />
height: 10%;<br />
width: 100%;<br />
overflow: none;<br />
text-align: center;<br />
line-height: 200%;<br />
}<br />
<br />
#main<br />
{ position: absolute;<br />
margin: 0px;<br />
left: 0px;<br />
top: 10%;<br />
width: 100%;<br />
height: 90%;<br />
overflow: scroll;<br />
}<br />
</style><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
<div id="header" >Best little title in Texas</div><br />
<div id="main" >My content and all the stuff that belongs to it.</div><br />
</body><br />
</html><!--content-->Thanks Vladdy,<br />
<br />
You are a life saver, a real Peach!<br />
<br />
I am very delighted with this simple and beautiful example, I will begin dissecting it today and putting it to good use post haste.<br />
<br />
Sincere thanks,<br />
Vincent<br />
Z榛礽ch Switzerland<!--content-->