Calling HTML from Javascript


Staff member
I am working on a page that has some flash in the top banner/logo and in the side menu and had a bit of javascript and VBscript to determine whether the user has the proper version of flash or not. If they do I would like to put the flash files on the web page and if not, I would like to fill that space with plain rollovers done in javascript, so that whether you have flash or not you will be able to view the page.

Something like,

If (you have the right flash player)
display the flash files
display the non-flash files

If this could be done, that would be great rather than creating a whole other site for the flash defficient users.

From my knowledge I have to use the .write function in javascript, but then everything needs to have backslash quotes (/") and things can get very messy. I was wondering if I could somehow have the rollover bit in another file and I could just include it?

Any help would be great.