Calling Dada Mail Experts!


I've got Dada installed and working great (so far) and am using it inside a ShowHTML mod for my cms portal. Everything is working how I'd like, I have a little subscribe/unsubscribe form right on the front page of the portal and that works great. The problem I'm running into is this. I am trying to use Dada inside an iframe structure (this ShowHTML mod, which was made for the portal I use to be able to display non-portal based pages inside the portal frame seamlessly). So far so good... if linked directly from my ShowHTML mod. <br /><br />So for instance, I created the Dada page at <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Then thru the ShowHTML mod, I go in and have the portal "point" to the Dada page. I give it an identifier (dada-main), and the new link to the Dada page becomes <a href="" target="_blank"></a> ... which is fine for once you're AT the website and/or you've linked into the Dada page via that link, because it pulls up the surrounding cms/portal frameset. However, when you signup or want to edit options or anything on Dada, and also the link for the double opt-in confirmation email takes you to <a href="[email protected]" target="_blank">[email protected]</a> (etc, etc) and therefore does NOT pull up the website the correct way. What I need to have happen is to have the [list_subscribe_link] base be the <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and have the user email stuff populate there. Is that possible? I didn't know how to do it because of the parsing of the email address from the confirmation link. Or to possibly work around the confirmation link. <br /><br />Any ideas?<!--content-->
Since Iframes do not always work as expected in some browsers,<br />why not just switch to a normal frame set.<br />thats what I did and have no problems.<br /><br />Whoops I re-read and see you are using a portal.<br />Still it should work.<br />Did you set up the path in the file?<br />$PROGRAM_URL ='';<br /><br />Just a thought.<!--content-->
Yeah, welp, I'm not having much luck...<br /> <br />Where do I find the variables list_subscribe_link and list_unsubscribe_link ...? I think that if I can edit the base url for these 2 links only, this might work.<br /><br />The problem is not it actually working in the iframe. That's fine, as long as they access it using the portal link, not the dadamail link. In the confirmation emails, or any emails, where it says "click here to unsubscribe" etc, it's THAT link I'm having the problem with. I want THAT link to open my portal with the dadamail inside.<!--content-->
Why not use a redirect in your .htaccess file?<!--content-->